New year, new you!

New Year, New You!

You love to sing but joining a choir sounds terrifying. If that’s you then read on to find out the reasons why La La is not your average weekly tune up…

La La is a family of community choirs thatare open to anyone and everyone (18+). Our music ranges from pop to rock, soul to choral. There are no auditions, you don’t need to read music and you don’t have to have any experience. The only requirement is to love singing… and a sense of humour helps.

A choir isn’t about individuals, it’s about a group of people who have one thing in common, they want to sing. Perfect pitch and pronunciation have their place but at La La they are under the rubbish somewhere at the back of the room I expect. Never pay them much attention to be honest. The most important part is you and the joy you get from singing and socialising.

Each choir meets weekly and learns together. Each choir learns the same things each week so if you need to swap a night and go to another choir you can. We have a hilarious time at the choir sessions but that’s not all we do.

We perform at concerts or put on our own concerts each month for charity. There is no obligation to perform but you’ll want to. They are brilliant. Give you a real buzz.

Twice a year we have a huge sing and social, one in the summer and one at Christmas. Ever seen a ‘bring and share’ picnic for 200? Well it’s amazing I can tell you.

Everyone is welcome. Everyone makes new friends. There are no cliques. No snobbery. You are always made to feel at home.

Now La La isn’t for everyone. Sam is a bit off the wall in her style of teaching. There is never a dull moment. She’s a colourful character and believes the key to an enjoyable choir is encouragement, confidence and passion. She is not a fan of serious choral work and is happier letting the choir have a go than stopping bar by bar to ensure every t is crossed and i is dotted. If you like taking serious choral works seriously, you probably won’t enjoy it. Or you may like it as a break from the hard stuff.

La La makes your heart happy. Singing benefits the body and the soul. It relieves stress, strengthens your lungs, improves your memory and builds your confidence.

There are some pictures of our practices, socials, concerts and flash mobs here for you to see. They say a picture paints a thousand words.

And if you’re still unsure, read a message a La La member recently posted on the La La Choirs Facebook page.

Very few of my peeps know that last year I joined La La Choir as part of my birthday bucket list!! Almost a year to the day and I set out to my first gig tonight!!! After 30 odd years of not singing in front of anyone because someone once told me as a child that no one wants to hear me sing  this is a REALLY big deal for me… Becoming bigger still next week as we sing in Exeter Cathedral as part of the Thousand Voices Service!! 
Being part of La La Choir has literally saved me at times especially back in May when I lost my darling Beccie and I’ve often sung with tears in my eyes but I honestly cannot recommend Sam enough for her dedication, spirit and a potty mouth equal to my own!! And please confront your demons… It may be the best thing you ever do!!!” – Cleo, Exeter La La

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