
21 May 2014 is Wig Wednesday, one big day in May when people across the UK wear a wig to raise vital funds CLIC  who support children and young people with cancer.

 At Exmouth choir (It’s a Wednesday) we will be doing a couple of extra bits and bobs to raise some money for this wonderful charity. Firstly members will be wearing wigs that evening. Why don’t you join us. I will be running that night as an open rehearsal. Want to really get in the spirit? Wear a wig. You can purchase pink wigs on line direct from CLIC or we have two fab Fancy Dress shops in Exmouth who both sell wigs if you want to wear something different. I’m sure there are plenty of you that like a bit of dressing up and partying!

The entrance fee will be £2. There will be a cake sale in the break which will be extended that evening and maybe one or two other ways of getting you to part with your cash. There will be a prize for the Best Wig and Most Altered Look. The latter will be easy for you chaps that are folically challenged! Handmade cards and some other local crafts will be available to purchase. And every penny will go direct to the charity.

I really want to make a giant effort for this. We were fortunate enough to perform once for a young girl who sadly wasn’t going to see another Christmas. Her friends, family and CLIC arranged for Reindeer, fake snow and a group of Carol Singers (La La members) to come and give her the white Christmas she dreamt of. CLIC’s support was invaluable to that family and I know you will agree that to enable them to help as many children and families in that horrific position would be a pretty good thing to do.

The evening will be an extended one finishing around 9.30pm. It will be full of fun and laughter and you’ll get a chance to really see what La La is all about and what we get up to. You never know, you might even join in with a song or two. Hope to see you there!

If you would like to find out more please click on this link http://www.clicsargent.org.uk/event/wig-wednesday

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