I want a man!

In fact I want lots and lots of men! In a mixed choir its often the case that the number of women and men are very disproportionate. You fella’s seem to like hiding your light under a bushel whereas the women, well you’d have us believe it’s just because we like the sound of our own voices I suppose… Rather than me tell you what it’s like and why you should come along, I asked one of the new chaps in Plymouth La La to tell me what made him start and why he’s stayed. So here is a note from Keith.

“Plymouth La La was launched in January of this year. I went very hesitantly to the launch mostly to keep the wife company, and much to my surprise it was fun! As you would expect like any choir the majority of participants are women. Each time a new man comes, he looks hesitantly at the lack of men, but like me they all return! Most of us cannot read music, nor if we are honest think we can sing, but hey after 2 weeks I thought ” I can do this, this is fun!! “. I went to the open rehearsal and La La Social at Killerton a few weeks back and was stood at the door of the chapel thinking I was too nervous to go in and sing. Luckily one of the other Bass singers saw me and persuaded me to give it a go. I loved it. By the time we had finished I wanted to do it all again!

After a stressful week I look forward to Friday evenings. Come on give it a go, it’s great fun and we could really do with your support. “

I can’t say it better than Keith can I. Across the five choirs the men range in ages from their 20’s to their 70’s and they all enjoy it. In my experience men find the idea of singing in a choir less appealing than women. I have no idea why. Perhaps you don’t think it will be fun or be of any other benefit. But 9 times out of 10 when a new fella pitches up at choir not only does he realise it is not intimidating and he isn’t under a spotlight, he is amongst people that are just like him, he actually enjoys it!

Boys, I challenge you to come along and resist my charms. Now there’s a thought…          Sam xx


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