Meet the Choir

Sue Warman

In 2008 my second child started at Bowhill Primary school in Exeter aged 4. As I was dropping him off each day I saw a sign for a choir. Just what I needed I thought, so why did it take me so long to join? My son is now nearly 20 and I have been a member of La La for just 18 months. The epiphany moment for me was my dad’s passing. His love of singing carried me through my childhood. What could I do to keep him alive in my heart – join a choir. So that’s what I did. The La La family made me feel so welcome from my very first session, I didn’t need to be nervous. Sam is a constant source of enthusiasm and gives so much to the community selflessly. There is never a dull moment on a Tuesday night and I always return home in a much lighter mood. The proven medical benefits of singing and social interactions are so important. Don’t leave it as long as I did! Thank you Sam and La La xx

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