Meet the Choir

Sue and John Bentley

I had been searching for the right choir for me since the disappointment of my previous hospital choir had been prevented restarting ever since Covid. I was searching online for over 2yrs and couldn’t find a choir that I could commit to as none of them ticked all my boxes or inspired me.
That was until last summer when I found the La La promotion on FB. The more I read, the more excited I felt. When I told John all about La La Choirs, he too got enthused and said he would go too, after our holiday in September.
What can I say! We absolutely love choir both at Ottery each Thursday and of course when an opportunity arises to be part of the big choir.
Everyone we’ve met is part of the friendly inclusive culture engendered by Sam. Her personality, humour and sense of fun are what makes us feel hooked. The skill Sam has teaching and managing all of us to somehow get the right sound from us to create the music that she does. Only found one difficulty and that’s getting to sleep after the buzz we’re on every week.

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