Meet the Choir

Rob Howells

I am 72 now and only joined La La Exmouth 18 months ago having never sung before in any capacity. For me La La Choirs has been one of those, “Oh, I wish I had found this 20 years ago”.
It has been one of the best things I have ever done and when my wife did the try out sessions a few months after me and then joined as well, I was over the moon.
I can’t speak highly enough of Sam, our choir leader. Being a retired teacher, I know how hard it can be, but she is brilliant at what she does and instils a sense of joy and fun in us all. She has a big heart and somehow manages to take ordinary people and bring them to a very high standard.
La La is hard work sometimes, but so much fun and so good for my poor old brain cells. I LOVE IT.

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