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YES to the first week back and oh my goodness was it an epic one! With beautiful old faces and many brand new shiny ones attending our sessions across Devon.

Everyone was just giddy with excitement at getting those vocalisers going again. From fun new warm up techniques to some brand new fabulous tunes we had a great start to our new term.

We also celebrated officially raising £50,000 for Hospiscare Devon as part of their 40 Club and beyond and we couldn’t be prouder of what our wonderful choir family achieved for a truly marvellous charity who is so deserving of everyone penny for the vital work they carry out.

This Saturday you can catch us at our first gig of the season where we will be performing at Ottery Food Festival which is taking place at Otter Nurseries Garden Centre. Don’t miss out on this fun, local festival and watch us sing at 1pm.

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