Meet the Choir

Lindsey and Martyn Nash

I was meaning to get around to joining a choir, but like a lot of people always just a bit too busy. In March 2023 I suddenly lost my voice, without knowingly having had a virus. I couldn’t speak other than at a very low murmur, let alone sing! I felt so cut off from normal life, not able to communicate normally, sing at my mum’s funeral, or even call the dogs in from the garden! After 6 months of investigation and therapy thankfully it eventually returned, one day in September, out of the blue.

It was a huge relief and I immediately started the search for a choir. I chose La La, as A Capella appealed to me more than singing to a backing track, and it looked fun and informal.

The song choices, usually arranged by Sam herself, are so clever, modern and varied. Nothing stuffy or dull here, it’s challenging in a good way and very satisfying. My voice has got stronger the regular extra technique training opportunities are invaluable. Oh and it is seriously good fun too!

My husband was probably tired of hearing me droning on about it, but after hearing our wonderful Christmas Cathedral concert, he decided to come along to a free taster session, nothing to lose right?. Although not quite sure if it would be for him (being a bit of a rock fan) he was totally hooked at once and soon found likeminded people in the Tenor and Bass sections.

Neither of us read music, but we are not alone in that and our musical knowledge is improving nonetheless. We also enjoy going to the social events together.

I feel so grateful to have found the La La family and Sam is an absolute inspiration with her boundless energy, humour and creativity. Every evening is full of fun and laughter, just the tonic you need midweek, you feel physically and mentally refreshed after each session.

So if you are procrastinating about giving choir singing a go, just do it! Don’t wait until life gives you a sharp kick up the bum to urge you into action. You won’t regret it.

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