Active Devon, the County Sports Partnership, together with Exeter City Council and Exeter City FC have been tasked with rolling out a project called Ping! Exeter. This is funded by money from Sport England and involves setting up table tennis tables in outdoor locations all over Exeter for the six weeks of the summer holidays with the aim of getting people to pop along and play a game of table tennis for free and get active. The official launch event was last Thursday, 17th July, in Princesshay and La La were invited to come along and sing at the launch.
As the commissioning organisation for the project is Sing London, who have already successfully combined singing and pinging in London, it seemed an ideal opportunity to launch Sing Exeter at the same time and try to get the city singing. The launch was well covered by the Press with ITV Westcountry and BBC Radio Devon present and Sam was interviewed on Radio Devon (by Bill Buckley) to talk about the link between Ping! Exeter and Sing Exeter and to promote the health and wellbeing aspects of singing.
For the occasion, we performed ‘Ping Pong’, a (not so) classic song by Dolly Parton. Maybe not one of her finest, but a very catchy tune and very appropriate for the occasion (with some slightly altered lyrics from Sam!) We will be popping along to various other Ping events, the next of which is on 1st August in Princesshay for Commonwealth Games day., so come along and catch us then and hear the new song!! There will also be a closing event in early September – news of which to follow soon.