“Well, here at La La Choirs, we have always advocated the health and social benefits of singing, but apparently. there are now studies to back this up! According to articles in the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail today, research has shown that singing in a choir can be as good for your health as Yoga as it synchronises your heartbeats which grow faster and slower at the same time as you breathe in and out in unison.
‘The study could explain why choral singing is said to be good for your health, because reducing the variability of your heart rate is likely to be good for your well-being’, they said.
Another article in the Metro goes one step further and suggests singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody has health benefits, something which we at La La can also attest to. (See the videos of us performing it at a couple of recent gigs for evidence!!)
So, not only do we have a good laugh, enjoy some fantastic music, and make new friends but we are also providing a health boost by regulating our breathing pattern and therefore our heartbeat (and you don’t have to wear lycra!!) If you fancy joining us, why not come along to your nearest session and give it a go – remember, it’s good for you!!”
Articles to link to:
Daily Telegraph – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/10166789/Choral-singing-regulates-heartbeat.html
Daily Mail – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2358589/Choir-singing-good-yoga-helps-synchronise-heart-beats-others.html
The Express – http://www.express.co.uk/news/health/413414/Sing-in-a-choir-it-s-as-healthy-as-yoga